’Chaya' meaning in Sanskrit, 'beauty’, ’lustre' and ’protection’.
And in Hebrew, Chaya means 'life’, or to 'live'.
Our intention is to offer you the possibility of seeing - and feeling - the beauty of life anew.
Join us on a journey of self-discovery, personal transformation and adventure.
At Chaya Yoga Retreats, we've been crafting unforgettable experiences for over a decade. From Bali's beaches, to the rolling hills of England and the starry skies of magical India, we know how to create the perfect retreat space to support your healing and rejuvenation.
And no matter where in the world we take our guests, each of our experiences is carefully designed to inspire, delight, heal and support.
Expect always incredible locations, world-class practitioners, gourmet plant-based menus alongside inspiring workshops and treatments.
Our expert team is dedicated to creating beautiful, healing spaces - and our retreats are truly unique, just like you.
Chaya Yoga Retreats. Rest for your mind. Love for your body. Pure joy for your heart.
Grazia’s Anna Silverman’s review of our cleanse Ibizan retreat here
Healthista’s review of our ‘Clear & Connected’ Ibizan retreat here
Chaya feature as one of The Observer’s best worldwide retreat companies. Have a read here
And our Ibiza retreats were featured as one of The Guardian Travel’s best European Yoga Destinations link here
Read Psychologies Magazine’s beautiful review of our Goan retreats here
The lovely Amy Hopkinson, digital editor at large at Women's Health reviews our Goan retreats here
Find Chaya in Culture Whisper’s article on the Best Worldwide Retreats of 2018 here
The Observer Travel Best Worldwide Retreats, October 2018
And in 2017 we were featured as one of the ‘Guardian Travel's 'Best Retreats of 2017' read on here
Our 'Kind' retreat in the South of France.
Rude to Stare Chaya X VOGA India retreat review
Hip and Healthy UK retreat review
Hemsley and Hemsley Our dear friend Jasmine Hemsley on retreat in Kent
Telegraph Anna Patternity talks the benefits of retreating